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I'm interested in promoting mywebserver with a difference.

Posted by ( on March 19, 2004 at 03:05:58:

To the mywebserver administration,
Hello and congratulations on what I consider one of the best programs I've seen in a long while.
I really mean this with so much emphasis on scripting php mysql and all the other portal systems arriving these days,On top of that you supply it free.
I am a retired web host in Australia with my finger still in a lot of pies I was recomended your program and it's exactly what they say it is.Installed on windows me & xp brilliantly.
To get to the point:
I am from the old school and get a kick at the end result after designing a site.
Although retired I still have several virtual web hosting sites/businesses that are sitting around. I've moved into the casino hosting side and firmly beleive that my clients would benefit greatly from your product.
I'd like to offer my services or facilities on a trial basis for you and an agreed number of your members for free.I beleive that mywebserver tested and used on hosted accounts would prove fruitful.
Now I'm honestly not asking anything in return,(I supply reseller hosting). simply to offer these packages for free because I foresee people designing their sites on their own computers with the provided ip address and uploading the improved ones to a webhost is a real innovation.
Also if you require any hosting assistance feel free to let me know.I've recently started a new site called hostcasinos.com and am keen to see how my clients would like it.I also provide community portals for the aged to learn the internet.
Allan Murray

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