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  Problems and Work Arounds
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Re: problem connecting at distance

Posted by ( on April 09, 2002 at 01:38:46:

In Reply to: problem connecting at distance posted by daeron on April 02, 2002 at 14:34:08:

Yes, if you are part of a network behind a firewall you will not be able to view your website using the IP address that people outside your firewall would use. MyWebServer should be showing you what your "inside the firewall" IP address is. Just type it in the address box of your browser and you should be able to browse your pages. For people outside your firewall to see your pages you will need to have your network routing at work adjusted to allow your workstation to funtion as an independent server that can be seen by computers outside your network. This may not be allowed...

: I have just installed MyWebServer at work, but I can't acces it from outside (home for example) when I type the Ip adress given to me..
: any ideas?
: Is that I problem with my network @ work?
: Thanks in advance..

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