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can't access with outside browsers.

Posted by ( on September 24, 2002 at 14:18:26:

Hi seth ; I still can't get this to work.
I have a ISP site. It says it is a ftp site but should i be able to access it using..http://home.infogen.net.nz/gfmholt
I also have a domain name gfmhnz.ath.cx from DynDsn.org
have entered www. domain name in web site name area and
home.infogen.net.nz in ftp site area. Have enabled.My site is active and I can go through it to my computer using domain name but no one from outside can. For some reason sometimes you can use home.infogen...address but outside browsers can"t.It seems the redirector setup isn't working..any ideas
should i be using "my web browser"as domain...web name
:graeme holt

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