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Re: ASP compatible?

Posted by ( on November 12, 2002 at 22:34:06:

In Reply to: ASP compatible? posted by Paul Eason on May 21, 2002 at 18:16:34:

: I cant get ASP pages to work properly. My default page is index.asp which gets displayed without processing the code. I have set the MIME type to text/html Without it any other .ASP i try to view brings up the "save" dialog box and doesnt display it. I do have an ASp.dll installed as part of my WIndows XP install but dont know if this only works with Microsoft IIS. Any ideas please?

MyWebServer does not natively support ASP pages.
It does support external scripting engines like perl or php. Version 1.0.3 and up allow your scripts to be located in any directory on the server.

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