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Re: problem connecting at distance

Posted by ( on May 20, 2002 at 19:16:58:

In Reply to: problem connecting at distance posted by daeron on April 02, 2002 at 14:34:08:

: I have just installed MyWebServer at work, but I can't acces it from outside (home for example) when I type the Ip adress given to me..
: any ideas?
: Is that I problem with my network @ work?
: Thanks in advance..

If you have Firewall at work that may be the problem. It would need to be configured to allow port 80 (HTTP) traffic to go thru.

Its usually easier to access your Home Computer
from work because most firewalls will allow connections in that direction. You can upload or download files so it shouldnt matter.

If you dont have a constant internet connection
at home you can have your Home Computer go on-line by itself several times a day at pre determined times.

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