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  Problems and Work Arounds
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An Answer

Posted by jgold ( on April 21, 2004 at 23:12:33:

In Reply to: MWS and problems with Router posted by shawn K. on February 28, 2003 at 17:09:25:

Assuming LAN: 192.168.1.x
specific machine running MWS:
Assuming WAN:
Assuming External Port: 9600 (WAN)
Assuming Internal Port: 80 (LAN)

Router Configuration

First check your documentation about how to port forward. It may be called several different things depending on your router. Note any special requirements. For example, my Linksys says I can not have port forwarding if I'm using DHCP.

Once you have setup your router so it can port foward, you will configure the details to forward to the internal MWS something like this:

(Note: I'm using "UPnP forwarding", and not "Port Forwarding" on my router because I need to only forward a single port, and not a range of ports.)

External Port: 9600
Protocol: TCP
Internal Port: 80
IP Address:

MWS Configuration

Port to run Web from: 80


This tells the router a request for is sent to

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