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Re: Home Network

Posted by ( on May 20, 2002 at 19:27:09:

In Reply to: Home Network posted by Chad on May 05, 2002 at 20:18:12:

: I've searched the FAQ's and the boards, but have seen no mention of using MWS on a home network using a router (home-made using BBI-Agent). I doubt that it can be configured to work since the router itself pulls the IP from Road Runner, and then assigns a DHCP address to my PC in the 192.168.0.* scheme. Has anyone had any luck with this type of configuration?

Yes many people have had luck with this configuration. You need to configure your router to pass port 80 traffic to your PC's internal address. On a D-Link router this is called a Virtual Server.

You would also want to start MyWebServer with the -absolute command line option in order to have MyWebServer use the routers internet address when it creates URL's. More information on using the -absolute command line option is available in the following article.

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