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  Problems and Work Arounds
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Has anyone yet found a solution for WINSOCK error?

Posted by ( on April 21, 2004 at 23:25:25:

In essence, for those who haven't read prior posts, you start MWS. After making a few clicks (any), then MWS fails to work. If you completely shutdown MWS and the browser, you can then restart it, and click through a few more times.

If you completely shutdown the browser and only stop/start MWS, you will get a WINSOCK error.

My guess is this is a problem with the WINSOCK not being released correctly - but since this isn't something I'm all too familiar with, I'd really like some help.

Also, I'd like a solution for the uploads arriving in MIM format. I'd really like to see them arrive in their uploaded format with the correct name. That is, if the file is originally called XYZ.ZIP, then that's the file I want to see in my upload directory.

Finally - where do you read received messages????

Since I see no updates since 2002 -- is there anything really going on with this program? I really need to find a solution for private P2P ...

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