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Re: Admin pages,"user list". logging etc.

Posted by ( on April 17, 2002 at 18:56:25:

In Reply to: Admin pages,"user list". logging etc. posted by Greig on April 17, 2002 at 07:48:53:

: OK! I downloaded the program and have it up and working. I had a buddy test it and he was able to get access and download a file from my computer. So it is working. However: My user name is the only one that will appear in the "list". Checking the config. settings I have "list" enabled,"logging" enabled. And have created other users and passwords but? No show in the "list"?
: ALSO: When accessing "admin" or "config" from the control pannel I get nothing but a blank page?

: Just new at this and any advice, tips etc. would be much appreciated. Thanks.

I figured out the reason for the blank "Admin" and "config" pages. I had to create an "Admin" user name and password. OK that solved that problem BUT? Still nothing appearing in the list other than myself.

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