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Re: How do I setup MyWebServer to be the on web ?

Posted by ( on February 19, 2004 at 15:08:53:

In Reply to: Re: How do I setup MyWebServer to be the on web ? posted by agam on November 03, 2003 at 23:21:48:

: : So far, all i have managed to do, is create a local server for my 2 computers. But what i want to do is get it running on the web so anyone can come/download etc. What do i have to do for this to work ? ITs a 4 port Linksys dsl/cable router ? Id appriate any help. thx - juicy

Feb 19,2004

all that that you have to do is open a browser IE is fine. type in your routers ip
as an example. if that does not work then
the default password is allways admin
no user name
if you are having problems go to the back of the router and depress the reset button
anyways after that ahead and set up the router to be the 1st adress or the 100 ip works best cause it is also the default and since u are learning it is best to use a trick from my military days and "kiss" it...Keep It Simple Stupid..the windows setup will usually be the fisrt page to pop up for you
then save under dns enter the dns address and stuff u can find out this info by going to start run cmd then typing ipconfig -all
it will give u the info u need and just go ahead and add where appropiate..
now u need to figure out what ip u want to give your computer a range from where the ? is a number from 1-255 since u got 2 pc's just do & 102 gotot the advanced tabs on the routerand goto forwarding>>there u will see lots of options look for the one that says http ext 80 highlight where apropiate and towards the right u will see 192.168.1.(O) just replace the O with the last digit of the ip that you choose for your pc and check enable, if the choices are not labeled just enter them yourself the ext port is 80 the int. port is 80 the protocol is tcp save changes!! NOW minimize browser then
right click on network places if you are running on dsl or cable right click on the lan properties that pops up, click on tcp\ip and click on properties
highlight "use the following ip" and enter the ip u choose for your computer... add also the dafault gateway info and dns info that u got from doin the ipconfig -all earlier ...
once you have the ip picked that u want go back to and do the same to the other computer so that computer will know how to get to the internet...only dont goto the browser and do the router thing...that done and over
now unless i left something out everything should work perfectly if you want you can go ahead and re-start just to be safe.
ok, now lets look and what we did ...
we configured, the router told it that there was a computer on the network that was accepting visitors. some when ever someone comes'acalling the router will give the caller directions to the omputer RUNNING the mywebserver program...uhmmm yeah i didnt mention it but it should be obvious that the pc we forwarded should be the one with the software-server we want...ok, anyways...we also configured the computers so that they now have their very own ip.
so now start the mywebserver software and configure it like you want. add your own name enter your passwords etc,etc,..
if anyone needs anyhelp with anything else drop me a line ..if i can i'll be happy to help..

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