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Re: Router Help

Posted by ( on February 20, 2004 at 14:27:40:

In Reply to: Re: Router Help posted by enko on March 30, 2003 at 05:28:27:

I have the OPPOSITE problem. When I set up MWS, it is set to the workstation's IP (192.168...). I *think* I know how to tell the router to forward calls to Port 80 to this workstation, but how do I tell MWS to go to the router's IP address?


: : Help,

: : MWS keeps thinking that the ip should be the external IP.

: : I have MWS set up on a box inside the LAN at a 192.168.X.X address and the Router's IP is 64.X.X.X.

: : It is my understanding that MWS should have the IP of the computer inside the lan but for whatever reason I cannot force it to use that machine's IP.

: : I have the router set up to port forward port 80 to the machine running MWS.

: : I have tried running MWS with the command line options of -bind and -absolute to bind it to the 192.68.X.X ip and it still takes the IP of the router. Similarly, I have used the single homed launcher, it give the 192.68.. IP but when it starts it still has the router IP.

: : Any help on how to configure this or override MWS to take the IP of the machine inside the lan and note of the router.

: : Thanks

: To be accessed from the web mws has to use the routers address. U have to tell the router to forward to the lan ip.

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