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  Installation and Setup
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Re: Installation problem in Visual InterDev

Posted by ( on May 18, 2004 at 00:25:03:

In Reply to: Re: Installation problem in Visual InterDev posted by HungTV on April 16, 2004 at 22:23:29:

: : I am facing problems in starting MS Visual Interdev Professional Edition 98
: : It says
: : Unable to load development environment dll.

: : Actions done to remove problem

: : 1. Removed entire visual studio 6 and reinstalled it.
: : 2. Problem is same.

: : 3. Dir Printout in which MS Visual InterDev is installed is given below.
: : 4. Double clicking MSE.EXE starts it but I am not able to start it with double
: : clicking DEVENV.EXE
: : 5. I am not able to make projects from Templates, as menu items are disabled.

: :
: : Volume in drive C is MAIN
: : Volume Serial Number is 0707-565F
: : Directory of C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\IDE\IDE98

: : .

    01-05-02 7:58p .
    : : ..
      01-05-02 7:58p ..
      : : BLDWIZMG DLL 49,172 01-30-99 12:19a BLDWIZMG.DLL
      : : MSE EXE 16,778 01-30-99 12:19a MSE.EXE
      : : HTMED DLL 815,376 07-15-00 12:00a HTMED.DLL
      : : URLPKR DLL 85,920 01-30-99 12:19a URLPKR.DLL
      : : MSENV2 DLL 2,784,557 01-30-99 12:19a MSENV2.DLL
      : : MSE
        01-05-02 7:58p MSE
        : : RESOUR~1
          01-05-02 7:59p Resources
          : : NEWFIL~1
            01-05-02 7:59p NewFileItems
            : : VSDPL DLL 512,272 06-15-98 12:00a VSDPL.DLL
            : : SQLDBREG EXE 22,317 05-25-98 12:00a SQLDBREG.EXE
            : : SQLLE DLL 135,380 05-25-98 12:00a SQLLE.DLL
            : : DCOM95 SRG 92 04-24-98 12:00a DCOM95.SRG
            : : VBISERV DLL 10,985 05-25-98 12:00a VBISERV.DLL
            : : VCMPK DLL 216,796 06-18-98 12:00a VCMPK.DLL
            : : ASP TLB 14,904 04-30-98 12:00a ASP.TLB
            : : REDIST
              01-05-02 9:18p Redist
              : : VSSLN DLL 483,600 06-15-98 12:00a VSSLN.DLL
              : : VSSCC DLL 753,936 06-15-98 12:00a VSSCC.DLL
              : : VSPKG DLL 1,102,096 06-15-98 12:00a VSPKG.DLL
              : : JAVASIGN DLL 48,400 06-04-98 12:00a JAVASIGN.DLL
              : : SIGNCODE EXE 27,408 06-13-00 12:00a SIGNCODE.EXE
              : : SIGNER DLL 77,584 06-13-00 12:00a SIGNER.DLL
              : : CORELIST TXT 14,112 04-24-98 12:00a CORELIST.TXT
              : : PKGPROJ
                08-31-02 7:19p PkgProj
                : : UTILIT~1
                  08-31-02 7:19p Utility Projects
                  : : GENPROJ DLL 1,220,672 07-15-00 12:00a GENPROJ.DLL
                  : : VCSPAWN EXE 24,625 06-17-98 12:00a VCSPAWN.EXE
                  : : DEVELO~1 VSK 6,352 05-21-98 12:00a Developer Studio 5 and 6.vsk
                  : : VISUAL~1 VSK 5,944 04-24-98 12:00a Visual Basic 5 and 6.vsk
                  : : VISUAL~2 VSK 6,452 05-21-98 12:00a Visual C++ 2.vsk
                  : : DTE TLB 98,818 06-16-98 12:00a DTE.TLB
                  : : MSENV DLL 1,958,160 11-29-00 12:00a MSENV.DLL
                  : : MSENVP DLL 55,056 06-19-98 12:00a MSENVP.DLL
                  : : DEVENV EXE 351,469 07-15-00 12:00a DEVENV.EXE
                  : : VSEXT OLB 1,028 06-16-98 12:00a VSEXT.OLB
                  : : VJEXT TLB 61,960 06-16-98 12:00a VJEXT.TLB
                  : : VIEWS PRF 47,104 04-24-98 12:00a VIEWS.PRF
                  : : TEXTEXT TLB 6,648 06-16-98 12:00a TEXTEXT.TLB
                  : : TEMPLA~1
                    08-31-02 7:19p Templates
                    : : VIDDBPKG DLL 526,497 09-22-00 12:00a VIDDBPKG.DLL
                    : : MY TXT 0 08-31-02 9:26p my.txt
                    : : 34 file(s) 11,542,470 bytes
                    : : 9 dir(s) 4,720.59 MB free

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