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Re: Folder Security

Posted by Deuce ( on September 16, 2004 at 18:59:38:

In Reply to: Folder Security posted by Julius on April 22, 2002 at 19:51:06:

: Hi Folks..

: I have drawn a blank and was hoping that someone could assist. I have created my sub-folders under WWWRoot and can see them all from the web browser OK, but I want to be able to secure each individual folder so that people trying to get to them must actually enter an additional password to confirm that they can have the access..!!

: Does that Make sense..???

: Regards

: Julius

I am not too sure if it would work, but I have an idea for ya. Simply take the files in the folers that u want secured from certain ppl, and zip them all w/ a certain password that only those ppl u want to kno ... the other idea ... would to be to simply make virtual folders and only inform the people you want to know of them to know them. Just an idea ... hope this helps!

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