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Re: Passwords???????

Posted by ( on May 20, 2002 at 18:43:25:

In Reply to: Passwords??????? posted by marcus on April 30, 2002 at 03:36:44:

: I had this server running at one time, but then i restarted my
: computer and now when i or any one else on the web trys to visit my
: site it asks for a user name and password to view it, ive tried
: reinstalling the program and that dident work, i checked all the
: settings, what is wrong with this thing?

: Please get back to me...

: i dont know if the server will be up by the time you get this, im not
: suposed to get my dedicated ip untill tomarrow, so hopefully you can
: see this before then, this is what it looks like when you try to go to
: it.


: thank you,
: marcus brown

You can tuurn off password checking by clicking
the Passwords button on the MyWebServer Control Panel and UN Checking The enable Password Authentication For Server Check boxes

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