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Re: Static domain name ,www.myweb.com

Posted by ladonna jones ( on December 10, 2003 at 12:25:07:

In Reply to: Static domain name ,www.myweb.com posted by matt ferz on July 17, 2003 at 06:44:22:

: hi there!

: i have some problem right here.
: i've configured my domain name as www.myweb.com
: so right now, Can i know how does other PC in the
: network can connnect to my PC with www.myweb.com typed
: in their address space.
: b'cause they can connect with my IP address but
: they cannot connect with my domain name.
: by the way,
: i'm using win98,
: host:www.myweb.com
: domain:NULL
: DNS: my ip address

: i hope u can help me with this.chow

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