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Setting up and using MyWebServers Virtual Domain Naming Service

You can use MyWebServers Virtual DNS feature to give you a more permanent named URL for your web site. Lets say your Internet Service Provider has provided you with a static web site as part of your internet service. And you can access your website at You can configure MyWebServer to automatically create a redirector page with your current IP address and upload it via FTP (file transfer protocol) to your web site at every time you start your web server. This will redirect or forward all the requests to to go to the MyWebServer application running on your computer. Likewise when you shut down your web server a different page will be uploaded to your web server at bell informing everyone that your web server is temporarily off-line. In this way your friends and associates can access your MyWebServer using the URL

To activate this feature you must setup the following items in the MyWebServer ServerPropertiesPage. You can access your ServerPropertiesPage by clicking on the Configure Button in the MyWebServer control Panel or by using the Server Properties command in the MyWebServer popup menu. You can also access the server properties remotely if you have created a password for a user named Admin using the Password Manager Application. 

Site Redirector Enabled
This enables the built in Virtual DNS Service it should be checked

FTP Site Name
The name of the web site you would like to MyWebServer to upload a Re-Director web page to.

Your User ID on the FTP server you would like to MyWebServer to upload a Re-Director web page to.

FTP Password
Your password on the FTP server you would like to MyWebServer to upload a Re-Director web page to.

FTP Path
The path on the FTP server you would like to MyWebServer to upload a Re-Director web page to. You can have the redirector page uploaded to any directory you desire. It doesn’t need to be the root directory on the server. You can create a special directory on the server for this purpose. Let's say you create a directory called homecomputer on your web site at yourname If you specify homecomputer as your FTP Path the following URL would access your MyWebServer

FTP File Upload Name
This is the name to give the re-director file that is uploaded to by FTP. It should probably be index.html if you want to have a URL that ends with a directory name like the example above. The file could be any name you want though. If the file is named chad.html and your static web site is located at and the FTP Path is homecomputer the URL for your MyWebServer would be

Use JavaScript Redirector
In the normal mode of operation the Virtual DNS system uploads a browser redirect page to your static web server. This should be un checked.

After you have entered this information you will need to save the changes by clicking on the Save button on the Server Properties page. You will also need to click on the Continue button in the changes have been made window.

You should now Quit from and restart MyWebServer. The next time MyWebServer starts up it should upload a redirector page to the ftp site you specified. If the page is everything works ok when some one attempts to access the redirector page they will redirected to the MyWebServer program which is running on your computer. Try It.



Using ICQ or dyndns ect. to give your computer a static named URL

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