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File Extractor Shareware Licensing

The License for a single user is available for $25 US.

The easiest way to register is to click the 'Click Here To Order MyWebServer Accessories' link on the MyWebServer About Box page. (Click About in the MyWebServer Control Panel)

You can also register by clicking below. You will need to copy the Computer ID from your MyWebServer About Box manually.

You will receive your registration code by email.


MyWebServer LLC
PO Box 610457
North Miami, FL 33261-0457

Purchase Multiple Licenses or a Site License From MyWebServer LLC
You can purchase multiple licenses or a site License for the File Extractor from MyWebServer LLC. For information and pricing please contact MyWebServer LLC at the following address.

Terms Of the License
Click Here to view the current MyWebServer File Extractor Software License Agreement.

About The File Extractor Sept 20, 2001

Download The File Extractor 1.0 Sept 20, 2001

File Extractor Help



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