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MyWebServer |   Password Manager

Password Manager

The Password Manager program is used to control the security of your personal web site. You can use it to to create user names and passwords for each person you wish to grant access to.

Enable Password Authentication
Use the Enable Password Authentication Check Boxes at the bottom of the window to enable password security. 

A check mark means that password security is enabled or turned on. Each person who connects to your web site will be asked for a user name and password. Before they are allowed to access your web site the user name and password they enter must match the user name and password that you enter in this program.

No check mark means that password security is disabled or turned off. Access will be allowed to anyone you tell your computers internet address or URL to.

Use the Add button to add a user name and password to your MyWebServer Access List.

Use the Modify button to change the password of a user on your MyWebServer Access List.

Use the Delete button to delete a user from your MyWebServer Access List.


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