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Single-Homed Launcher

The Single-Homed Launcher allows you to choose form one of the multiple IP addresses on your computer and launch MyWebServer with a -bind or -absolute option so it can be bound to one particular Network Adapter on your computer. 

Use this program if your computer has more than one Network Adapter. You can determine how many Network Adapters you have by typing IPConfig at the DOS prompt.

Network Addresses
The Network Addresses list contains a list of the currently active IP (Internet Protocol) addresses on your computer. You can select one of the addresses on the list that you would like to bind MyWebServer to be double clicking on an IP address in the list.

If there is only one address in the list you did not have to use this launcher to start MyWebServer you could have started MyWebServer directly.

You can also select which addresses on the list that you would like to bind MyWebServer to by clicking on the address in the Network Address list and then clicking the Home button.

Installing the Single homed Launcher is easy. Just copy the program into the same directory where MyWebServer.exe and MWSPasswordManager.exe are located. The default location where MyWebServer is installed is C:\Program Files\MyWebServer


Download Single-Homed Launcher 1.0 July 20, 2001


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