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  Save, Mime, Script and Virtual Directory Buttons

Save Button
The Save Button saves changes that have been made to the Server Properties Page.

Mime Button
The Mime button poses the Mime Type Configuration Page. The page allows you to edit the list of all the mime conversions currently in place.This utility allows you to associate certain file name extensions with MIME tags. This allows files with file extensions you associate to mime types to be be recognized by the users web browser as that mime type when it is received. 

Script Buttons
The Script button poses the Script Configuration Page. The page allows you to edit the list of all the script mappings currently in place. Script mappings map file extensions like .pl and .wsh to scripting engines like perl and the Windows Scripting Host respectively.

Virtual Directory Buttons
The Virtual Directory button poses the Virtual Directory Configuration Page. The page allows you to edit the list of all the Virtual directories currently in place.Virtual Directories are one-word shortcuts to directories on your computer. You can access a virtual directory by appending the virtual directory name onto the end of the URL for your web site. You can create virtual directories to give family members, friends or associates their own area on the server.

Cancel Changes Button
The Cancel Changes Button allows you to cancel the changes that have been made to the Server Properties Page.


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