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  Virtual DNS Redirector Page Overriding

You can override the two standard redirector pages that MyWebServer provides and supply your own redirector files.

Your redirector override files should have one of the following names and be located in the same directory as MyWebServer.exe file or the MWSPasswordManager.exe file. In a default installation that would be located at:
C:\Program Files\MyWebServer

MWSReDirector1.html The default redirector page for server 1
MWSReDirector2.html The default redirector page for server 2
MWSJavaScriptReDirector1.html The default javascript redirector page for server 1
MWSJavaScriptReDirector2.html The default javascript redirector page for server 2
MWSOffline1.html The default off-line redirector page for server 1
MWSOffline2.html The default off-line redirector page for server 2

If you want MyWebServer to insert your IP address into your redirector page include the phrase 'Place Your Static IP Address Here' into your override page. MyWebServer will replace that phrase with your actual IP address before it is uploaded.

Here are 2 example redirector pages you can use either one. 

 Browser Redirector Page
Browser Redirect

<META http-equiv="refresh" content="0;
 Url=http://Place Your Static IP Address Here">


Click Here to download this file.


 Javascript Redirector Page
Javascript Redirect


<!-- Hide script from non-JavaScript browsers
{parent.location.href="http://Place Your Static IP Address Here"}
// -->



Click Here to download this file.




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