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Special Entries in MyWebServer ConfigFile
You can make entries in the MyWebServer Configuration file that can effect the look and style of MyWebServers built in application pages. The configuration file is named MyServer.ini and it is located in the same directory as MyWebServer.exe. You can add entries with the following names in the [Config] or [Server-2-Config] sections of the file.

vpPageProperties                A Page Properties String like: bgColor=#ff00ff
vpTableProperties               A Table Properties String like: BORDER=0
vpTHRowProperties               A Table Header Row Properties String like: bgColor=#66ccff
vpOddRowProperties              A Odd Row Number Properties String like: bgColor=#cbfad2
vpEvenRowProperties             A Even Row Number Properties String like: bgColor=#caeaff
vpNavBarBtnProperties           A Nav Bar Buttons Properties String like: target='_parent'
vpNavBarBtnImgProperties        A Nav Bar Buttons Image Properties String like: height='25' width='75'
vpEnablePageHeaders             A Enable Headers Properties String like: Y


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