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Running MyWebServer Right Out Of The Box

Once MyWebServer is installed you can begin using its immediately. MyWebServer contains several built-in Virtual Pages that can be used as is. If you would like to have your own custom web site you will need to create some .html, .gif and .jpeg files for your web site. To start MyWebServer Select MyWebServer from the Start Menu. 

When My Web Server starts up you will see a new icon appear in the Tray area of your Windows Task Bar (near the clock) and the MyWebServer Control Panel will appear. You can use the buttons on the Control panel or the popup menu that appears when you click on the MyWebServer icon in the Tray interchangeably to control MyWebServer. Click on these links for help with the MyWebServer Control Panel or Popup Menu.

Accessing Your MyWebServer Website From Your Computer

To quickly access your web site you click on the "Home 1" button on the MyWebServer control panel or select "Server 1 Home" from the MyWebServer popup menu. Your web browser will be launched and it will be directed to the home page being published by MyWebServer. 

You can use the buttons at the bottom of the page to access MyWebServers Application pages.

Accessing Your MyWebServer Website Using The Internet

To access your web site you must use a browser. This browser can be running on your computer or on another computer. To access your site you need to know its address in order to form a URL or Uniform Resource Locator for that address. 

You can access your MyWebServer with URL's resembling the Following: where is your current IP Address.
or where is an web space provided by your ISP.
or where is a domain name provided by a Dynamic Domain Service like ICQ


How to address your computer on the internet with a dynamic IP Address

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