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Re: Admin pages,"user list". logging etc.

Posted by ( on May 20, 2002 at 18:37:22:

In Reply to: Re: Admin pages,"user list". logging etc. posted by Greig on April 17, 2002 at 18:56:25:

: : OK! I downloaded the program and have it up and working. I had a buddy test it and he was able to get access and download a file from my computer. So it is working. However: My user name is the only one that will appear in the "list". Checking the config. settings I have "list" enabled,"logging" enabled. And have created other users and passwords but? No show in the "list"?
: : ALSO: When accessing "admin" or "config" from the control pannel I get nothing but a blank page?

: : Just new at this and any advice, tips etc. would be much appreciated. Thanks.

: I figured out the reason for the blank "Admin" and "config" pages. I had to create an "Admin" user name and password. OK that solved that problem BUT? Still nothing appearing in the list other than myself.

Users will only get added to the User List after they have visited your site. And they wont stay there forever.

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