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Using the MyWebServer Virtual Toolbar

The MyWebServer Virtual Toolbar is a Virtual Page named Navigator.html which is located in the Virtual Directory named MWS. So the path to it from the Root directory of the server is MWS/Navigator.html. 

You can include the Virtual Toolbar in the pages on your web site in order to allow access to the MyWebServer Applications you have enabled. Since its a page, it is usually the contents of a frame in a containing page (see the default home page files index.html and homepage.html that MyWebServer creates on installation for an example of this).

You should use relative addressing when referring to MWS/Navigator.html. in your pages. If the page is located in the root directory you can just refer to it as MWS/Navigator.html. If your inside of a directory which is in the root (a sub directory of the root directory) you would refer to it as "../MWS/Navigator.html". The ../ in the front tells the web server the file is located in the parent directory of the directory containing this file. If your file is 2 directories below the root directory, no problem you just use two ../  like this "../../MWS/Navigator.html". You need one ..// in front of the MWS/Navigator.html for each level down in your directory hierarchy. If your file is ten levels deep the reference to the Virtual Toolbar file might look like this "../../../../../../../../../../MWS/Navigator.html"

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