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Adding new functionality to MyWebServer

Adding Pages
You can customize how you site looks and operates by adding Web Pages, Graphics, Sound and Video Files ect.

More information on this technique is available in the Article On Adding Pages

Using MyWebServers Virtual Toolbar
You can include the Virtual Toolbar in the pages on your web site in order to allow access to the MyWebServer Applications you have enabled.

More information on this technique is available in the Article On Using The Virtual Toolbar

The My Web Server Config File Format
You can customize how you site looks and operates by adding Web Pages, Graphics, Sound and Video Files ect.

More information on this technique is available in the Article On The MWS Config File Format

Special Entries in MyWebServer Config File
You can make entries in the MyWebServer Configuration file that can effect the look and style of MyWebServers built in application pages. The configuration file is named MyServer.ini and it is located in the same directory as MyWebServer.exe. You can add entries with the following names in the [Config] or [Server-2-Config] sections of the file.

vpPageProperties        A Page Properties String like: bgColor=#ff00ff
vpTableProperties       A Table Properties String like: BORDER=0
vpTHRowProperties       A Table Header Row Properties String like: bgColor=#66ccff
vpOddRowProperties      A Odd Row Number Properties String like: bgColor=#cbfad2
vpEvenRowProperties     A Even Row Number Properties String like: bgColor=#caeaff
vpNavBarBtnProperties   A Nav Bar Buttons Properties String like: target='_parent'
vpEnablePageHeaders     A Enable Headers Properties String like: Y
More information on this technique is available in the Article On Special entries In The Config File.

Virtual Page Overriding
You can add words and graphics to any of MyWebServers Application pages in order to customize them and give them a look that is consistent with the rest of your personal web site. This is done by adding specially named html files to the MWS directory in your web sites Root Directory. 

More information on this technique is available in the Article On Virtual Page Overriding

VDNS Redirector Page Overriding
You can customize the web pages that the MyWebServer creates and uploads to your static web site in order to redirect people to your MyWebServer web site. This could be useful if you want to r5edirect people to a certain web page or web site when your computer is not connected to the Internet. 

More information on this technique is available in the Article On VDNS Redirector Page Overriding

Handling Forms
Web Forms enhance the capabilities of your web site. MyWebServers Generic Post Handler is always available and ready to receive the data from any form when a user clicks on the submit button. Use the Virtual Files MWS/HandlePost.html,  MWS/HandlePostRaw.html or MWS/HandlePosPlusHeaders.html as the "action" of your forms and POST as the "method". These Generic Form handlers gather the data from the form and stores it in a text file in the directory specified in the Server Properties Page.

MWS/HandlePost.html             Saves HEADERS and CONTENT (standard).
MWS/HandlePostRaw.html          Saves HEADERS, ENVIRONMENT and CONTENT.
MWS/HandlePosPlusHeaders.html   Saves CONTENT and HEADERS separately.
More information on this technique is available in the Article On Creating And Handling Forms.

User Startup and User Shutdown scripts
My Web Server looks for User Startup .bat and User Shut Down .bat files in the same directory which MyWebServer is located. If these files are present they will be executed each time MyWebServer is started or stopped. These scripts can be used to launch programs or run other scripts ect each time your web server starts and stops. This might be usefull as a way to register yourself with your dynamic dns server or any other web resource each time you start or stop your web server. These ,bat scripts receive important data arguments from MyWebServer that can be used in the scripts like your IP Address, Port Number and Host Name as well as the MyWebServer Virtual DNS redirector data listed in your ServerProperties Page.

UserStartup1.bat        Runs each time Server 1 is started.
UserStartup2.bat        Runs each time Server 2 is started.
UserShutdown1.bat       Runs each time Server 1 is stopped.
UserShutdown2.bat       Runs each time Server 2 is stopped.
More information on this technique is available in the Article On Startup and Shutdown Scripts on this web site.

CGI Scripts and Programs
What are CGI programs? CGI programs perform tasks that are impossible to do in web pages using HTML or JavaScript, such as sending email, retrieving data from a database, creating guest books, or handling web based data entry forms etc. CGI programs can be created and compiled into windows exe files or can be written in a scripting language like perl or WSH. Your scripts and CGI programs should be placed in the cgi-bin directory which should be located in your web sites Root Directory. If your CGI programs are scripts make sure that MyWebServer has a mapping for your scripts file name exension like .pl or .cgi to the scripting program like perl.exe. You can do this by clicking the SCRIPT button on the Server Properties Page.

Check out the Tools section of this site for links to other web sites that contain pre written CGI programs and scripts that you can download and use immediatly.

More information on this technique is available in the Article On CGI Programs And Scripts on this web site.


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