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Creating Virtual Directories

Virtual Directories
Virtual Directories are one-word shortcuts to directories on your computer. You can access a virtual directory by appending the virtual directory name onto the end of the URL for your web site. You can create virtual directories to give family members, friends or associates their own area on the server. Virtual Directories must be located within your webs root directory in order to be accessed.

To add a Virtual Directory click on the Virtual Directories Button on the Server Propoerties Page. You can access your Server Properties Page by clicking on the Configure Button in the MyWebServer control Panel or by using the Server Properties command in the MyWebServer popup menu. You can also access the server properties remotely if you have created a password for a user named Admin using the Password Manager Application. 

When you first enter the Virtual Directory configuration screen, you will be shown a list of all the Virtual Directories that are in place. You also have two forms, one for addition/modification and another to delete Virtual Directories.

In order to create a new Virtual directory fill in a virtual directory name into the Virtual Directory Name field This is the one word shortcut. Then fill in the complete file path in the Actual Directory Path field and click the Add/Change Button. You will also need to click on the Continue button in the changes have been made window.

You can also use the Virtual Directory configuration screen to delete Virtual Directories. Just type the name of the virtual directory that you want to delete in the Virtual Directory to Delete field and click the Delete Button.


Adding your own web pages and other content material.

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