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Installation FAQ
Q: Who should read this document? A: You should read this document if you're in the process of installing MyWebServer. Q: What is MyWebServer? A: MyWebServer is a new Windows file sharing program from MyWebServer LLC that lets you, your friends, and everyone in the world share files! Built on web browser technology, MyWebServer provides a simple, easy to use interface that allows anyone on the internet to access your files with nothing more than a web browser and a password. Q: Is MyWebServer free? A: MyWebServer is free to download and use. The cost for MyWebServer development and distribution is subsidized through relationships between MyWebServer LLC and their advertising partners. Q: I'm a dummy with computers is MyWebServer hard to setup and use ? A: Not really you can use MyWebServer right out of the box. Even if you dont have the first clue about how to create a web page you can use and access the built-in virtual Application pages immediately. Q: Can I run MyWebServer on my Macintosh or Linux system? A: Mac and Linux versions of MyWebServer are not under development at this time. But Apple Macintoshes or Linux systems can download files from or upload files to MyWebServer using a web browser. In fact any device with a web browser and a network connection can connect to MyWebServer. Q: How do I download and install MyWebServer? A: Download the software from The Downloads Area. Then Click Here for instructions on installation. Q: What does installing MyWebServer do to my computer? A: It copies the MyWebServer.exe and the MWSPasswordManager.exe programs and thir related programs to a location you specify on your hard disk. It does not erase or replace any other programs or files on your computer. It does not make any entries in any system files or change your system in any way. Q: How do I refer to my computer over the Internet ? A: By creating a URL with your computers IP address in it. MyWebServer will display your computers IP address its control panel. If the IP address listed on the MyWebServer control panel were the URL access that computer would be For more information on addressing your computer over the internet read Addressing Your Website or Internet Addressing FAQ. Q: How do give my computer a named internet address that does'nt change ? A: By Using MyWebServers built in Virtual Domain naming Service with the free web site that comes with many internet Service Providers like BellSouth or Earthlink. Read the article on Setting up and using MyWebServers Virtual Domain Naming Service for more information. For more information on addressing your computer over the internet read Addressing Your Website or Internet Addressing FAQ. Q: Can I configure MyWebServer to work with more than one Ethernet Adapter? Q: I just downloaded the program. Now what do I do? A: Click Here for instructions on installation and follow the installation and setup instructions. Q: How do I uninstall MyWebServer? A: Just delete MyWebServer and its related files usually located at C:\Program Files\MyWebServer. Be careful not to delete the WWWRoot directory without looking inside first to check for any of YOUR OWN files you may have been sharing. You may also want to remove the shortcut and shortcut directory from your start menu usually located at at C:\WINDOWS\Start Menu\Programs\MyWebServer. Q: How can I tell what version of MyWebServer I have? A: Click on the "About" button on the MyWebServerControl panel or select About MyWebServer... from the popup menu. MyWebServer software window. The version and build date will be listed in the About window that appears. Or, locate the MyWebServer.exe file on your hard drive, right click on it, then select "Properties". The build date will be displayed there. Q: How do I upgrade to a newer newer version of MyWebServer after I have installed it? A: That's pretty easy you don't even need to do the installation again. All you need to do is make sure you are not running MyWebServer and copy the new file you downloaded (MyWebServer.exe) to the location where your old version of MyWebServer.exe is located thereby replacing the older version with the newer version. That's all there is to it just start it up. Q: Why am I getting an error about WS2_32.DLL? A: Early versions of Windows 95 don't have this WinSock 32 file. You can get the file from Microsoft. It is possible that you may have windows installed in a different directory than is expected or that you simply have a different location for your DLL files. One way to fix this problem is to find those DLL files that are needed and copy them to the C:\Windows\System directory. If your version of windows was not installed in a typical manner you may need to create this directory. If this still doesn't fix your problem, you may need to find a more up-to-date version of the DLL file. Q: I have Windows 98, but why I am still getting an error about WS2_32.DLL? A: You had a problem with your upgrade from Windows 95 to Windows 98. The only solution would be to reinstall Windows 98. Q: Can I configure both servers to be on tcp/ip port 80 ? A: Every server on a computer has a unique port number. The second server must be on a different port number than the main server. The standard port number for web servers is 80. However, MyWebServer enables the user to select any port number. Q: How do I address the second server on a port other thn 80 ? A: When using a port number other than 80, a user must specify the port number as part of the URL. The URL for the second server is the same as for the main server with a colon and a port number added to the end of it. Suppose one of the servers is configured to run on port 97, the URL that accesses this server is in the format URL: 97 (Example - http://yourwebserver.com:97). Q: Where Do I put Web Pages And Other Content ? A: Web pages and other content should be located within your root web directory. If your not sure where your root directory is you can check its path in the MyWebServer Server Properties page (Click Server Properties on the MyWebServer Control Panel). Your root directory is listed in the "Root Directory for Web Site:" field. The default path to your root directory is C:\Program Files\MyWebServer\WWWRoot. The name and location of your home page is listed in the "Default Document:" field of the Server Properties Page. The default home page file name is index.html. If you did not specify another name or location you should name your home page index.html and place it in the WWWRoot directory located at C:\Program Files\MyWebServer\WWWRoot. For more information on organizing your web sites content Click Here. Q: Where Do I put CGI Programs and Scripts ? A: CGI programs (or scripts) are run by web pages. They are always located in the cgi-bin directory. There are many pre-written CGI programs readily available on download sites. Look on our resources page for download sites. For more information on CGI Programs and scripts Click Here. Q: I am having trouble accessing the Server Properties Page over the internet ? A: The server properties page is protected by the Admin password. If you never create a password for a user named "Admin" you will not be able to access the Server Properties Page. To add a user and password click the Passwords button on the MyWebServer Control Panel or select Add Or Change Passwords... from MyWebServer's popup menu. Please direct comments, questions, or contributions, via e-mail, to . |