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Download MyWebServer 1.0.3
Release Build 11.26.02 is the latest version.     November 26, 2002

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MyWebServer |   About MyWebServer

MyWebServer is a free personal peer-to-peer web, file and application server. It allows you and your associates to access areas of your computer from any location using a standard web browser, just like any other internet web site. MyWebServer is the only tool you'll need to create your own secure virtual community. With this software running you have the capability to share information and files on your computer with your friends and business collaborators. You can choose to operate a secure system that only you can access. Or you can choose to allow your files and web pages to be accessed by those people who you issue passwords to. You can also choose to use the program completely unrestricted as a global file sharing web site without any password protection at all.

Besides functioning as a web server and hosting your personal web site on the Internet MyWebServer comes equipped with several built in Web Applications like the Favorites Page. The Favorites Page publishes the collection of internet shortcuts or book marks from your web browser on a web page of your personal web site.


MyWebServer   |   Program Features

P2P Personal Web Server Features:

  • Virtual Domain Naming Service
    Maintains a static named Internet address for your computer. This feature allows you to access your computer using a URL with a domain name in it such as, which will never change. In other words, you will not be forced to use a dynamic IP address for your personal web server  like, which would change every time you connect to the Internet. MyWebServer is compatible with a number of virtual DNS service providers, such as or,which also provide static named Internet addresses.
  • Password Access Protection
    Password Access can be activated  if desired. User ID's and passwords can then be assigned to limit the accesses to your server.
  • Dual Servers
    Allows you to activate a second server on your computer. This feature allows the user to enable the password protection on each server independently. Thus, your main server could be made available to anyone, while the second server could be password protected. With the Dual Server feature enabled, each server has its own URL, root directory and directory structure.
  • Virtual Directories
    Virtual Directories are one-word shortcuts to directories on your computer. You can access a virtual directory by appending the virtual directory name onto the end of the URL for your web site. You can create virtual directories to give family members, friends or associates their own area on the server.
  • Serve HTML Web Pages
    Html pages are returned to web browsers requesting them using URL's. 
  • Serve HTML File Downloads
    Files that can't be viewed by the user's web browser will be uploaded to the user's computer. A user can simply click on files in order to read or download them.
  • Run CGI Programs and Scripts
    What are CGI programs? CGI programs perform tasks that are impossible to do in web pages using HTML or JavaScript, such as sending email, retrieving data from a database, creating guest books, or handling web based data entry forms etc. CGI programs can be created and compiled into windows exe files or can be written in a scripting language like perl or WSH

P2P Personal Application Server Features:

  • Favorites
    Publishes pages containing the favorites list from your web browser. This lets you access your own favorites list from anywhere on the internet.
  • Search
    Lets users search for files through your published directories.
  • Downloads
    MyWebServer Directory Browsing makes the directories you choose available from any computer with an Internet connection and web browser. Users can click on directory links to see the contents of embedded directories. Once they find something they would like to view or download they can click on the links to files to read or download them.
  • Uploads
    Lets users upload files to a directory you specify.
  • Messages
    Lets users enter and send messages directly to MyWebServer.
    The messages go directly from a user's web browser to MyWebServer (peer-to-peer) without using email.
  • User List
    Publishes a list of who has been on the server recently and creates clickable hyperlinks to their MyWebServer.
  • Generic Web Form Handler
    Allows you to create your own web based applications using using just an HTML Editing program or a word processor.  This function receives and processes the data from  the web-based entry forms on your personal web site without you having to write custom CGI programs or scripts to process each form.
  • Webmasters Page
    Lets you easily check your messages, uploads and posts from any  where on the internet.  This pages is password protected.
  • Remote Administration
    Lets you modify the server options and properties from any computer with an internet connection using nothing more than a web browser. These pages are password protected.
  • Virtual Toolbar Page
    Creates a Virtual toolbar page on MyWebServer that can be easily included in the web pages that you create.

MyWebServer   |   Help

Help Area

Guided Tour

A complete set of screenshots and descriptions of program features.


All the information you need to install MyWebServer successfully on your computer.

Program Documentation

A complete description of each and program feature, with instructions on their use and operation.

Installation and Setup FAQ

If you've already downloaded and installed MyWebServer and you would like to know more about setting up and configuring the software, please visit this section.

Community Discussion Area

Use the forums in this community discussion area to get help from other users, suggest features and improvements to the program, or just express your ideas.

Using MyWebServer

If you've already downloaded MyWebServer and are having problems using the program, or just miscellaneous technical questions, please visit this section.

Addressing Your Website

Using MyWebServer's built in Virtual Domain Naming Service or Using dynamic addressing services like ICQ or dyndns ect. to give your computer a static named URL that never changes.

Internet Addressing FAQ

Have questions about addressing your personal website over the internet ? This section describes topics such as static vs dynamic addressing, dynamic addressing services, and more.

Technical Documentation

Do you want to know how to customize the look of MyWebServers built in Applications? Would you like to override MyWebServers built in behaviors? Check this section out for technical documentation on MyWebServer.

Customizing MyWebServer FAQ

Do you want to know how to add your own web pages to your web site. Do you want to know more about customizing the look and feel of your web site. Check this section out for tips on utilizing some of MyWebServer's powerful customization features.

Problem Reporting

Having a problem with MyWebServer? This form submits your problem description to the development team.

Support FAQ

If you've already downloaded MyWebServer and are having problems not discussed in any of the other FAQs, or if you have some miscellaneous technical questions, please visit this section.


Download the latest version of MyWebServer. Download accessories and add-ons that can enhance your personal web site.

Press FAQ

Are you a member of the press? Search for corporate/technical information and resources to assist you in writing and enhancing your research and articles.


A place to find useful resources and tools on the web, for building and customizing your personal web site.

Company FAQ

Do you want to know who we are? Learn more about MyWebServer and its developer, MyWebServer LLC. 

About MyWebServer

Just a few facts about MyWebServer and links to the pages describe the terms by which you may use this web site and the MyWebServer software.

Contact FAQ

Can't find your answer anywhere else in the FAQ section? Want to advertise with us? Would you like an interview? Do you have any great feature requests or general comments? Please visit this section to find out how to contact us.

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